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What’s The Best Gym Workout Schedule for a Beginner?

What’s The Best Gym Workout Schedule for a Beginner?

When you start hitting the gym, it is apparent that you will not follow the training
standards of experienced bodybuilders. In fact, the workout schedule of a
beginner should be quite different from that of a professional athlete. If you ask a
regular fitness enthusiast, they will tell you that the split of various body parts is
the most effective growth method. However, it does not hold true for a beginner,
and a full-body workout is more beneficial for rapid growth and aesthetic gains.
This article talks about the appropriate gym workout schedule for a beginner,
which has been accepted globally.

A newcomer should approach the situation in what way?

The first and foremost rule is to keep it as simple as possible. There is no need to
attempt complicated exercises that target a particular muscle in a muscle group.
It can be largely counterproductive as it can cause muscle fatigue and increase the
time needed for recovery. If you go to the most reputable gyms in Hong Kong, this
is precisely what they will tell you. A simple dumbbell or even a 45-minute
bodyweight workout, which is generally advocated by all bodyweight workout
gyms, is enough. Here is a comprehensive look at the split that is most productive
for “newbie” gains.

The most effective split routine for beginners

According to fitness expert Dr. Michael Yessis, a beginner should aim to complete
a single set of 20 reps of one exercise for each of the body parts. They should
gradually increase the reps by 1-2 repetitions, progressively raising the weight
until failure. Once the failure sets, they are advised to increase the number of sets
and exercises for a particular muscle group. An ideal split routine for a beginner

  • Squats for the legs

Also known as Goblet Squats, this exercise is not only for working out all the
muscles in your legs but also builds an excellent form to execute barbell squats
later. Interlock your fingers at chest level with the elbows pointing downwards

and then lower yourself down till the thighs become parallel to the ground. Then
drive yourself up. Squats are an integral part of a beginner’s bodyweight workout

  • Glute Bridges for the Gluteus muscle

It activates the glutes of a beginner, which is a massive muscle. Bend your knees
and lie flat and then squeeze the gluteus muscles to raise the body up in the form
of a triangle.

  • Dead Bug for Core

Lie on your back, extend your arms and legs upwards, and bend your knees to 90
degrees. Keeping the other upright, lower the opposite arm and leg and alternate
with the other arm and leg.

  • Incline chest press for chest

Take a small bench and place your arms on it with your palms. Lower your chest
towards the palm of your hands like a regular push-up and come back up.

  • Lateral pulldown for the back

Grab the pulldown machine bar and pull it down with your chest extended
outwards and your head slightly upwards. Start with no weights or a minimum

  • Bicep curls for arms

Hold a dumbbell in each hand and curl it upwards towards your shoulders while
keeping your elbows fixed to your sides. Bring them down slowly.

When you follow this simple beginner routine before you progress to the next
level, you will immediately see results.

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